Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Birthday, Buddy

Micah turns 4
My son celebrates his golden birthday today, and what a joy he has been to our little (but growing) family.

Dear Lord

Thank you so much for the blessing that is Micah. Thank you for the four wonderful years that you have allowed us to experience and love him so deeply. I pray that you would enable us to be good parents – to show him love and care, and to teach him right from wrong and good from bad. I pray that we would, by the power of your Spirit and the blood of Your Son, be able to teach him and lead him in the paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake. I pray that even now, you would be working with his little heart through his mother’s consistent training in the never-ending ebbing and flowing of life at home, the more focused teaching that I am able to give him, and all of his experiences in church so that he might be brought to a place of a personal knowledge of his sin and humbling his will so that he will respond to your gospel of grace with repentance and faith. May you keep him healthy and strong so that he may grow up to be a faithful servant.

In Jesus’ holy name,


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